Graduates of the Certified Holistic Financial Planning Coach Training Program have completed coursework that focuses on the balanced approach to financial planning and financial management.    

The Graduates have received a complete step-by-step Holistic Financial Coaching model to seamlessly run coaching sessions saving you time and money.  

Graduates of this program are provided with assessments, resources and templates to move you toward your financial goals faster with less stress and more ease.   

In addition to the coursework, they have completed hands-on coaching fieldwork where they have coached REAL clients through the coaching process for achieving financial success from the inside out. This hands-on coaching fieldwork was submitted, verified and assessed.

2020/21 Graduates

Garry White

Nardia Swaby-Folkes

Rebecca Jimmy

Sherrick Gladney

Catherine Miller

Olivera Anyadioha

Charlotte Jessop

Rhoda Woods

Mildred Peralta

Damon Singleton

Rachel Toth

Hardik Thakker

Faith Burke

Timothy W Bates Jr.

Jess Probasco

Latasha Brown

Nadia Ashraf

Sarah Mwewa Chongo

Niquenya Collins

Ade Browne-Yarsiah

Sujata S. Khadilkar

Eaglet Mongey

Magdala Adeleke

Isabel Rodriguez

Stephen Hughes

Laura Dempster

Andrea Davis 

Ignacio Romero-Salas

Theodora Biney

Yasamin Brown

Stephanie Wilson

Andrea Knight

Jessica Johnson

Maria Cristina Banu

Jonathan Sigmon

Pamela C. Wilson


Kellique Jackson

Stanka Ranchev

Zainab Omarah 

Arielle Golightly

Inmaculada Perez Lopez

Teresa L. Schumacher

Marlon Sarmiento

Bernadett Molnar

Aunjane Johnson

Laurel Makowem

Chanozya Kabaghe

David Lozano

Catherine Mwadime

Willis James Hamilton Jr

Katie Reuter

Stephan Subero

Sunni Bible

Sparkle Nesby


Kashay Cole 

Wrayanne Williams

Mirjana Thorsen

Najinder Devgun

Fred Mukwelela Nzangwa

Alexander Piers Harris

Tista SenGupta

Pedro Munoz



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